My kids are the best

Hey 👋🏼 I'm Greg.

I'm a guy on the internet with too many interests. Most of them orbit around learning and writing and software and kids and books and business. This is the place I come to try to string words and ideas together and hold myself accountable.
Credentials are sooo boring. I like this list better.
  • 3 amazing kids and 1 amazing wife
  • Still goes to church
  • Splits time between Maryland and Delaware
  • Will choose a beer and cigar with friends over nearly any other activity
  • 43 and feels like a wide-eyed little kid
  • Wrote software or led software teams for a living for 20 years, including some fun machine learning and model training stuff
  • Drove from Maryland to California and back with the family to see the country and have a blast in a rented RV
  • Like Erasmus, would choose books first over food and clothes
  • Runs a lot
  • Raced cars and taught other people how to race cars
  • Has 3 half-written messes that look like novels if you squint.. at some point a finished novel will be on this list!
  • Helped build a company from 2 to 250+
  • Bought our 2nd house at the beach 5 years ago and paid it off
  • Loves building things out of (wood | words | code | ideas)

I've started a Substack! If you've made it this far, you should sign up!

Things I've Written

  • Kids Need Mystagogy Not Pedagogy

    Greg here - I’m trying something new! This was just published on my Substack: Brains Are Plastic. I’m working to get into a groove and a regular posting schedule there. Please head over and…

    August 17, 2024
  • Truth And Forgiveness In The Time Of TikTok

    Greg here - I’m trying something new! This was just published on my Substack: Brains Are Plastic. I’m working to get into a groove and a regular posting schedule there. Please head over and…

    July 26, 2024
  • Order of Operations

    One of the defining binaries of my life - and the life of most every other western 21st century human - is the separation between production and consumption. Consumption has become near constant with…

    July 09, 2024
  • RV Trip Part Deux

    We’re two weeks into this trip and I haven’t written a single word. This is for many reasons including starting the trip off very sick (likely COVID finally), lots of driving, having 9 kids around…

    June 22, 2024
  • Brief New Parent Advice

    Someone I know just had their first child and randomly asked me “Any new dad tips?” This is someone I only know virtually, which means we use text not voice. So I took a minute to say more than a…

    June 05, 2024
  • Interesting Prompts, Part 3 (A Prompt Quine!)

    Greg: ok, we’re going to try something different now ChatGPT: Sure, I’m ready for the next task. What would you like to try? Greg: Do you know what a quine is in programming? ChatGPT: Yes, I know what…

    May 27, 2024

There's plenty more to read too

Things I'm Reading

That's 46 books so far this year.

  • Projects

    • Brains Are Plastic - A Both/And view of understanding technology for parents - coming soon!
    • CollegeValue - Compare colleges and majors based on how much money graduates make versus how much debt they accrue. Based on open-source data from the Department of Education.
  • Things I'm Wondering

    • How are phones and technology changing the way we grow up?
    • Can restaurants use spreadsheets as menus?
    • How do you get better at speaking?
    • How can work on small projects drive family revenue?
    • What does it take to write a spy novel?
  • Workouts I've Killed

    • 0 Mile WeightTraining, a day ago
      50:00 minutes
    • 1.94 Mile Walk, 2 days ago
      36:50 at 18:55 pace
    • 0 Mile WeightTraining, 3 days ago
      50:00 minutes
    • 3.19 Mile Walk, 9 days ago
      48:34 at 15:13 pace
    • 0 Mile WeightTraining, 10 days ago
      60:00 minutes
  • Quotes Newly Discovered

    • "The antidote to this abundance of information is distillation: figuring out which information is important and discarding the rest. But distillation is downstream of interrogation: if you ask the right questions, the information filters itself."
      -Jack Raines
    • “I never pray and ask for God to be on my side, I pray and hope to be on God's side and there is something about betting on deep learning that feels like being on the side of the angels.”
      -Sam Altman
    • "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!''
      -Jack Kerouac
    • “Respect, understanding, and love are not technical problems.”
      -Joseph Weizenbaum