I really like books. Like, a lot. I've kept a list of everything I've read over the years. I'm missing a bunch in the distant past, but I've been keeping this list consistently since around 2018.
I'm a big fan of Tom Critchlow's Library.json idea too. Here's my Library.json index.Favorites Of The Last Few Years
Things I'm Currently Reading
- The Blade Itself- Joe Abercrombie
- A Subversive History of Music- Ted Gioia
Things I've Read So Far In 2025
- Hillbilly Elegy- JD Vance
Things I Read In 2024
- Meditations- Marcus Aurelius
- The New Map- Daniel Yergin
- On The Edge- Nate Silver
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- JK Rowling
- Save the Cat!- Blake Snyder
- Killers of the Flower Moon- David Grann
- 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing- Al Ries and Jack Trout
- The Extinction of Experience- Christine Rosen
- Old Man's War- John Scalzi
- Elements of Eloquence- Mark Forsyth
- A Man For All Markets- Edward Thorp
- Starter Villain- John Scalzi
- Guilty Creatures- Mikita Brottman
- Trust Me, I'm Lying- Ryan Holiday
- Angel of Vengeance- Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
- WTF: An Economic Tour of the Weird- Peter Leeson
- GOAT: Greatest Economist Of All Time- Tyler Cowen
- Five Decembers- James Kestrel
- On Peter Singer- Hyun Hochsmann
- Project Hail Mary- Andy Weir
- 1984- George Orwell
- Submission- Michael Houellebecq
- Graphs, Maps, Trees- Franco Moretti
- Time Surfing- Paul Loomans
- Age of Revolutions- Fareed Zakaria
- Brimstone- Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
- The Worlds I See- Fei Fei Li
- The Burnout Society- Byung-Chul Han
- Black Dahlia- James Ellroy
- The Present Age- Soren Kierkegaard
- Bad Therapy- Abigail Shrier
- Under The Banner of Heaven- Jon Krakauer
- Storm of Swords- GRR Martin
- Family Unfriendly- Tim Carney
- Death Comes For The Archbishop- Willa Cather
- Comfort Crisis- Michael Easter
- Things A Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About- Donald Knuth
- The Chaos Agent- Mark Greaney
- Thoughts on the Common Toad- George Orwell
- What Do You Care What Other People Think?- Richard Feynman
- Year of the Locust- Terry Hayes
- Strange Rites- Tara Isabella Burton
- Read Write Own- Chris Dixon
- Novacene- James Lovelock
- Think And Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
- Two Parent Privilege- Melissa Kearney
- Same As Ever- Morgan Housel
- Mistborn- Brandon Sanderson
- Man's Search For Meaning- Viktor Frankl
Things I Read In 2023
- Fully Automated Luxury Communism- Aaron Bastani
- Warehouse H- Dominic Guglielmi
- Generations- Jean Twenge
- Indeterminate Inflorescence- Lee Seong-bok
- Hemingway On Writing- Larry W. Phillips
- Skin in the Game- Nassim Taleb
- Paper Belt On Fire- Michael Gibson
- Israel- Noa Tishby
- The New Atlantis- Francis Bacon
- The Three Body Problem- Cixin Liu
- Embedded Entrepreneur- Arvid Kahl
- Tomorrow 3.0- Michael Munger
- The Bitcoin Standard- Saifedean Ammous
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- JK Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince- JK Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- JK Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- JK Rowling
- How To Fail At Almost Everything- Scott Adams
- Excession- Iain Banks
- The Son Also Rises- Gregory Clark
- Personal- Lee Child
- London In A Weekend With Two Kids- Hassan Osman
- The Beginning of Infinity- David Deutsch
- The Epic of Gilgamesh- Sin-Leqi-Unninni
- Elon Musk- Walter Isaacson
- Delta-V- Daniel Suarez
- The Legend Of Bagger Vance- Steven Pressfield
- Shop Class As Soulcraft- Matthew Crawford
- Seven Types of Atheism - John Gray
- Holy Fire- Bruce Sterling
- Socialism Sucks- Robert Lawson and Benjamin Powel
- Searching For The Catastrophe Signal- Bernie Lewin
- Impromptu- Reid Hoffman and GPT4
- Deep Work- Cal Newport
- The Creative Act: A Way of Being- Rick Rubin
- Fight Club- Chuck Palahniuk
- Invisible Cities- Italo Calvino
- Surface Detail- Iain Banks
- The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility- Stewart Brand
- Write Useful Books- Rob Fitzpatrick
- The War of Art- Steven Pressfield
- The Ancient City- Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
- What's Our Problem?- Tim Urban
- Excellent Advice For Living- Kevin Kelly
- A Time To Build- Yuval Levin
- Waiting For Godot- Samuel Beckett
- The Alignment Problem- Brian Christian
- The Two Hour Cocktail Party- Nick Gray
- Burner- Mark Greaney
- The Kaiju Preservation Society- John Scalzi
- The White Pill- Michael Malice
- The Cabinet of Dr. Leng- Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
- The Player of Games- Iain Banks
- Fossil Future- Alex Epstein
- Happy Go Lucky- David Sedaris
- Red Rising- Pierce Brown
- The Gray Lady Winked- Ashley Rindsberg
- Authority- Nathan Barry
- Old Man's War- John Scalzi
- Termination Shock- Neal Stephenson
- The Psychology of Money- Morgan Housel
- The Vanishing American Adult- Ben Sasse
- The Deficit Myth- Stephanie Kelton
- Die With Zero- Bill Perkins