Take Your Family RVing!
We’ve gotten lots of questions about our big RV trip across the country. Both Maureen and I kept journaling during the trip and I wrote up some additional thoughts afterwards. So here’s the complete list!
- Practical Notes on Glamping - All the tactical details about renting an RV, what to get, how to pack, plan routes, etc.
- Impractical Notes on Glamping - The random things we kept thinking about during 6600 miles across the country
Greg’s Journal
I’d love to say I did this every day.. I didn’t.
- Day 1
- Day 3 - We made it to Colorado!
- Arches, Utah
- Zion to Lake Tahoe - Zion, Bishop California for an incredible wedding, hot springs, the letdown of Lake Tahoe and calling an audible to head to Idaho.
- Wyoming and the Grand Tetons - The highlight of the trip!
- South Dakota
Maureen’s Journal
She was a much more regular writer this trip (to be fair, I did the driving..)
- Before The Trip - Prepping and plans
- Casey Illinois
- Colorado or Bust
- My Cheeks Hurt
- Arches, A Little Remote
- Zion, You Are The Best
- We Made It To Cali!
- Hello Sunny Idaho!
- The Trip That Keeps On Giving
- The Black Hills and the Badlands
- The Great Midwest