It’s half an hour until midnight, November 1st. The excuses have been put aside. My study is complete; I have a comfy chair, a beautiful large desk, and a delightful stereo with iPod dock. I have a notebook with half-formed plot vehicles, character studies, names, themes, and other random thoughts. It’s time to try to make sense of them and produce some output.
NaNoWriMo is here!
This is a first step for me. Well, second step really. This blog was the first. I’ve always felt inclined to write. I’m drawn to the idea of being able to make coherent in the world ideas that were once only in one’s head. Being so free form, a blog is a great way to start out. You get to make the schedule, you get to choose what to write, and you get to decide when it’s done. This next step is the exact opposite. The only thing I can still decide is the story. But now I’ve got only a month and I’ve got to get out 50,000 words. Holy shit that’s a lot. It’s exciting, and pretty scary.
So until this next month is over, there will be no more blogging for me. I enjoy blogging, and I have 30 or 40 half-formed blog posts sitting here in my folder. Hopefully in December I’ll still want to write and actually get some of those down too. But in the meantime, I’ll be novelling! I may occasionally spit out a word count, but that’s it.
Say some prayers, I’ll need them! And despite the silence in this little corner of the internet, you can bet that I’m still hunched over a keyboard, furiously demanding that my fingers follow the sinews of my thoughts. Hey, that almost sounded writerly.